A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.
Written By: GoalSetters International
I was a professional entertainer for more than 35 years. I began my career as an actor, singer, acrobat and dancer at the age of 11 years old. My first professional role was around 14 years old and I dedicated the next 40 odd years of my life to my Show Biz career. Voice was always the first and most important tool to master...
Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?
I run a Voice and Performance coaching business. I teach business owners and entrepreneurs how to be engaging and entertaining confident speakers on stage, on platform and on podcast.
I teach people from all over the world via Zoom these days, though in the past I spoke at many events, taught live workshops and seminars and held events of my own as well. I have been teaching on and off all my life - from the age of 15.
However since retiring from Show Biz as a full time Singer / Actor, I have more seriously taken on the role of coach and mentor now full time. I have been coaching full time since 2014 in Australia. I coached many organisations part time in the USA and EU for another decade before that, and also another decade in Australia before that as well.
This exact business model is new though, about 2-4 years old.
Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Vocal Training Industry?
I was a professional entertainer for more than 35 years. I began my career as an actor, singer, acrobat and dancer at the age of 11 years old. My first professional role was around 14 years old and I dedicated the next 40 odd years of my life to my Show Biz career.
Voice was always the first and most important tool to master:
For gigs
For Interviews
For singing
For acting
For Camera.
I was obsessed with learning more about the voice when I was constantly struggling with throat infections and voice loss.
This is why I began to study intently from the age of 35. I studied nutrition first to heal my body, then Masters Degree in Holistic Health and Counseling came next, then finally a Masters in Voice Production and Performance. With a 35 + year career on stage and on camera PLUS the degrees to back it up, makes me quite a unique coach in my field.
Everything I teach is from a Holistic Perspective.
I learned the hard way, if we do not work on our health, mindset and belief systems - it doesn't matter what sort of voice skills you have, you may have your mind, your body or your instrument let you down.
What did you like best about being an entertainer, and how did it strengthen your desire to do what you do now?
I loved the freedom, the challenge, the travel and the adventure. It was my whole life from a very young age. That freedom and excitement is hard to give up!
The thing that held me back the most though was voice issues, constant health issues, massive mindset issues and crippling anxiety.
This is why I am so passionate about helping people now. I don't want anyone to go through what I did behind the scenes.
There is a better way, and that's what my HAPS programs teach. HAPS: The Holistic Approach to Professional Speaking and Singing
Thinking back, is there anything you would like to have done differently?
Yes - I would have gotten help sooner. Hired coaches sooner. Taken more risks.
Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?
Anyone who needs to speak in public and on camera to grow their business.
The way I help people is three-fold.
With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?
I am not a great goal setter, but I do set goals and I am pretty good at manifesting!
I have made most of my dreams come true in life, now to smash out even more goals before I get too old to teach!
Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?
In closing, for those that want to tune into your show or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?
If the person is ready to say YES and invest in themselves, their growth and business success, then the best way to find out which training pathway is right for them is to book a consult.
Apply for a Vocal Impact Session ( 30 min consult)
However, If they are not ready to join a LIVE coaching or mentoring program, or don't have the financial means, then an online course is also a great place to begin:
Click here to look at entry level training options:
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