A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.
Written By: GoalSetters International
Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?
I run an Empowerment & Leadership Coaching business focused on personal development, confidence and resilience. We help people to build and develop soft skills necessary to elevate in both professional and personal capacities. Our mission is to assist our clients to elevate in their lives based on their unique needs by utilising mindset work to shift their belief system so it works for them to achieve their goals.
It is my mission to help people to self actualize their skills and abilities & fulfill their potential in an array of different fields. Nari says "we see many examples of people regardless of how qualified they maybe, holding themselves back from setting and achieving those goals which are aligned to maximising their potential, often due to them holding themselves back from asking for the raise or going for a well deserved promotion, often what is missing is the soft skills that will help them to achieve greater heights in their lives". This is where Skyhigh Coaching fits in, essentially assisting people in all areas of personal development, building confidence, improving emotional intelligence and combating imposter syndrome to name but a few.
Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Confidence and Leadership Coaching Industry?
The natural place to start would be the initiation of my purpose and how it began to unravel which led me to the position that I hold today as an Empowerment & Leadership Coach. I grew up in predominantly a patriarchal home where I had a lot of love and support but where gender roles were predefined. My mother was a nurturer and my father an ambitious entrepreneur who had multiple successful businesses in parallel. I was always a fun loving and confident child who growing up loved to push the boundaries and enjoyed expanding my comfort zone – in sports, arts and academia alike.
The organization was founded by myself Nari Kaur, I am an academic by nature - with x3 graduations and an MBA being my most recent, I am also a qualified Master Coach & NLP practitioner and I come with a wealth of experience in the corporate world in the Aerospace Defence and Rail industries. Being a high achiever from a young age and a go-getter I always found myself in places of leadership both in my profession and in my passions/hobbies. In these environments I often noticed the missing link between people and their potential - that being their confidence and their ability to believe in their own success.
If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?
I have faced the challenge of transition from full time corporate consultancy work to implementing my Coaching business into my work and lifestyle. This included various personal and professional barriers that I faced however, the transition was a combination of going from practical to purpose driven work that was more fulfilling for me in the long term - hence I was willing to take the leap.
Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?
I offer many services within the Coaching modality, from 1-2-1 Coaching, online workshops & courses, Live workshops. I work with both individuals and commercial enterprises to deliver my services and I have also embarked on facilitating live workshops at schools for under 12’s in the area of personal development, soft skills and empowerment.
Our service is unique such that it is tailored to the needs of women within the 25 to 55 age bracket. It is different to anything else that is out there as it is built on the foundations of independent research, proven theory around psychology, methods with a proven track record of success and the personal experiences of the founders. We offer leadership training based on women not in a generic capacity which is usually more tailored to the needs of men who are more often in the higher positions. Rather than tick box methods our services are generated with the personal experience of the client at hand and the desired outcome in mind. We understand and accept that each person is different and therefore they will start from a different place and with unique needs, hence our training is bespoke and tailored to individual clients needs accordingly.
What's your best advice for women and men that desire to improve their confidence when speaking in front of a crowd?
My brand is specifically for bringing women out of their comfort zones and predetermined roles set for them by society which are usually limiting for their potential. It goes beyond the coaching for empowerment alone into leadership.
Coming from an academic background myself with a sense of high achievement it was important for me to incorporate the leading lady perspective to my approach.
My vision is to see a world full of empowered women who are free to do, be and have what they want by living their lives on their own terms. Women living in a society where there are no gender differences or inequalities in both personal and professional capacities.
How have building strategic partnerships influenced your ability to serve as a Leadership Coach?
Strategic partnerships form a large part of developing and showcasing any coaching business. My brand identity has been built and strengthened by the strategic partnerships I have formed both in terms of developing a unique style and for connecting with potential audiences. Collaboration with other complementary services and businesses has really helped to grow my brand and extend its reach.
With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?
I have many academic and non vocational accomplishments - I always push the boundaries when it comes to my goals and I have a natural sense of challenging myself to achieve better both for myself and to be of service to others. A few of my achievements so far include:
International Motivational / Empowerment Speaker
Performance Neuroscience Specialist
👩🎓Qualified MBA / NLP Master Practitioner / Certified Master Life Coach / Theta Healing Therapist / Mindfulness Coach / Timeline Coach / Lifestyle Coach
🎙 Podcast Host:
Title: Women in Leadership
Link: https://anchor.fm/nari-kaur
Youtube Channel Host:
Title: Women in Leadership with Nari
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSzDijhbGZbU2ts0dZRAoeQ
Co-Host at AllatraUnites TV - Committed to raising collective consciousness & fine tuning Quantum Physics in alignment with the Laws of the Universe. Specializing in talks on Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence.
Featured in Association of NLP (ANLP) MAGAZINE - March 2021
Featured in MSP News Global MAGAZINE - Aug 2021
Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?
I love pushing professionals out of their comfort zones. I encourage my clients to uncover things that they are fearful of and have been avoiding in their life and I set SMART goals for them to practice exactly those things at an agreed pace.
I also look for areas of resistance and set practical tasks using a stepped approach to get them doing things in their stretch zone, often for the first time. I help my clients to create a new comfort zone born out of their old stretch zone through practice which helps them to expand their awareness and skill set and creates an ever-evolving journey based on growth for them.
In closing, for those that want to tune into your show or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyhigh_empowerment_coach/
Email: narikauruk@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyhighempowermentcoach/
Website: https://narikaur.com/
Brochure: https://narikaur.mykajabi.com/pl/2147520181
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyhigh_empowerment_coach/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSzDijhbGZbU2ts0dZRAoeQ
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/nari-kaur
Twitter: https://twitter.com/riyatn
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/narinder-riyat-b3a62811/?originalSubdomain=uk
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