A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.
Written By: GoalSetters International
Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?
Absolutely. I have a life coaching business named Reclaiming Your Voice. I offer coaching to help people honor their needs and discover their values and core values.Towards the end of 2020 I left my job working at an outpatient program for adults diagnosed with substance abuse disorder.
During the same year, in the early stages of the business I thought I would focus on adults who have completed their program and I would assist them with transitioning into a new life post completion of their continuum of care. However, as my life began to evolve the purpose of the business transformed into the business it is today.
Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Life Coaching Industry?
During a conversation with a friend she thought I would make a great life coach. So out of curiosity I began researching what life coaching was. I found it would give me the opportunity to reach more people, enlarge my think-out-of-the-box personality and I could make a greater impact without limitations or restrictions regarding location. The more I learned about this industry the more I saw how I can bring value to it and value to the lives of those assigned to my work.
You've definitely had some challenges and roadblocks along the way. Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?
When I left my job in 2020 I did not have money saved. I did not have a three month emergency fund, a partner to support my dream or submitted resumes I needed follow up on. I started from nothing. I did not have examples in my life to gleen from to learn how to be a business owner.
I had no idea what I was doing and I am still trying to figure this out! It can be very intimidating and it stretches me to come out of my comfort zone daily. Like most of us all I knew was the 9 to 5 mentality. Throughout the process when things became frustrating, I continued to hear God say to me, “Use what {resources} you have.” The only consistent resources I had were a computer (google, youtube), my phone (podcasts, social media) and myself, yes I am resourceful! Facing my insecurities and executing my core values of faith and determination has absolutely brought me this far.
What has the journey been like since you decided to reclaim your voice?
My journey to reclaim my voice has been an eye opening experience. When I was a pre-teen I had my own business doing friends' hair and in 2009 I attempted to start a mobile hair styling business but because of the challenges my life took me through at the time, this business fell through the cracks.
After experiencing homelessness as a single mother and a divorce from a 10 year marriage I have learned that my voice was hindered because of the unfortunate past I lived but also due to choices I was making. Deciding to reclaim my voice has shown me that I have a choice over any and all curveballs life may introduce me to and that I can use my voice to speak up and show up as my true self. Reclaiming my voice gave me the permission to dream, choose well, respect my convictions and be authentic on my terms not based on the expectations of people or society at large.
How important is it for people pleasers to learn a measure of self love when cultivating new relationships?
As a recovering people pleaser myself I will say it is paramount that individuals who choose to please others at the expense of themselves learn what self love is for them. Without a sense of knowing who you are it is difficult to know how to have regard for yourself let alone expressing self love from within. People pleasers place high regard on the lives of others. This causes a lack of awareness of daily needs and the need for self love. Self love helps you to know your self worth and the capacity you bring and or willing to bring into a healthy relationship.
With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?
Absolutely! I had to have goals in place in order for me to have an idea of the direction I wanted to go as well as how I would attempt to accomplish it. Setting goals helps me to stay focused on my WHY and it encourages mental groundedness. I believe it is ok to adjust your goals when necessary. There will be times as you evolve your goals will also evolve. That is a part of the journey of life and I have already learned that it is a part of the journey of entrepreneurship.
Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?
My advice would be to set your goals in stackable steps. What I mean by that is make sure your goals are moving you forward. Each goal supports the goal after the next so you will see chunks of progress as you see movement. It is so encouraging to see progress in a tangible way no matter how small or great! Also having a life coach to support and hold you accountable of the goals you set is a great idea too!
In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?
I can be reached straightforward via my email at vernicaw@reclaimyv.com. They can connect with me on Instagram @reclaimingyourvoice. Also from my website at https://www.reclaimingurvoice.com/coaching they can inquire about working with me either for 1.1 coaching or through my 12 week intensive coaching program. I have a podcast as well named Reclaiming Your Voice with Vernica Williams where I empower and encourage listeners to begin their healing journey to reclaiming their voice.
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