From Trauma to Triumph: How Jasmyn Camp Overcame Her Trauma & Is Helping Others Do The Same.

Written By: GoalSetters International

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One of the biggest challenges I experienced was getting out of my own way. I had a work ethic. I had the drive and the passion for what I was embarking on. I just felt like I wasn’t good enough. In the back of my head, it was always that question of “why me” and I would listen to it. Month after month, I would work work work and then stop. It was like I wanted to fail. I was my biggest obstacle on the road to success. Eventually, reality stepped in and I realized that I had no backup plan should my business fail. So I started working on my mindset.

Jasmyn Camp

Founder: Jay’s Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC

Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business? 

I own and operate a coaching business that focuses on helping individuals heal from childhood trauma. I am the owner and founder of Jay’s Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC. We help our clients heal their trauma and transform their lives through a proven path of healing. 

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Life Coaching Industry?

I experienced my first encounter with childhood trauma at the age of five. From there, I spent over twenty years hurting and internalizing my pain. I was miserable. Because I was miserable, I was making everyone around me miserable. A year after my divorce, I was watching my sons play in the living room. It sparked a memory from my childhood of my brother and me playing.

Around the time, I realize that I had done to them what was done to me. I didn’t want to make them responsible for my pain anymore. So I spent the next few years in therapy. Unfortunately, it wasn’t my saving grace. It left more questions than answers. So I researched and studied until I found what works for everyday parents like myself. After years of suffering in silence, I was finally at the point where I have healed my childhood trauma. I wanted to offer the same opportunity to parents just like me.

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

One of the biggest challenges I experienced was getting out of my own way. I had a work ethic. I had the drive and the passion for what I was embarking on. I just felt like I wasn’t good enough. In the back of my head, it was always that question of “why me” and I would listen to it. Month after month, I would work work work and then stop. It was like I wanted to fail. I was my biggest obstacle on the road to success. Eventually, reality stepped in and I realized that I had no backup plan should my business fail. So I started working on my mindset.

On my vanity mirror, I wrote “I am enough” I kept it up for three months until I finally believed it. Then I changed it to “I will be successful”. I started doing what successful people do. I got up early. I started my day with meditation and affirmations. I prayed a prayer of gratitude and most importantly I told myself that no matter what, I will succeed. Doors started openings for me. Versus asking myself “Why me”, I told myself, “If not me, then who.”

Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I have an eight-week program called The From Trauma to Triumph Program. It’s a program that helps parents heal from childhood trauma. We help parents heal their inner child so they can offer their children a childhood that they do not have to spend their adulthood healing from.

What are some of the most meaningful goals that your coaching has allowed clients to actualize?

Many of our clients enter our program believing that they are broken beyond repair. They are exhausted from pretending to be okay versus being okay. One of the initial conversations we have with them before they become a client is goals.

We want to know where they want to be in their healing journey and how, if we can assist them with that. Many clients want to find peace, live a life outside of their trauma. They want to be able to let go of the past and not be so frightened of the unknown. The most disheartening part of it is that they think it’s impossible. This is why we offer a free coaching call before working. We see small steps towards this goal in less than an hour of conversation.

What is the biggest challenge you helped one of your clients through?

We had a client who was suffering from a mother wound. Her mother had abandoned her at an early age and her father was her main caretaker. Her biggest challenges were people-pleasing and negative self-talk.

She spent her life fighting for the love of others when in reality she just wanted the love and acceptance of her mom. She didn’t realize how much this wound affected her relationship with her children. She gave so much to them that she didn’t leave anything for herself. We helped her realize this trauma-influenced pattern.

She began to see results in the first week. We saw a change in her confidence and self-esteem. She went on to obtain a job that we desired and received an apology from her mother that she never that would happen.

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

Absolutely! An old proverb states, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” I have big dreams of how I am going to change the world and help humanity for generations to come.

I know instinctively that this is my destiny. This is the purpose of my pain. Setting goals gives me a way to measure my progress.

At times when I feel like I am not making the progress, I think I should, I look back on my goals and see what I have achieved, what I can do at this moment and what else can I accomplish. When I achieve one goal, I think of another to write down. That helps me to never become complacent.

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

Set a goal and detach yourself from the outcome. Remember rejection is God’s protection and redirection.

If it doesn’t work out the way you’ve planned, go back to the drawing board and create a new one. Most importantly, don’t compare yourself to the next person. Each of us have a purpose that only we have the ability to fulfill. If you are not achieving your goals imagine the opportunities that aren’t being afforded to others.

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

  • We have a support group on Facebook call the From Trauma To Triumph Support Group. If you would like advice, encouragement and inspiration, we would love for you to join. 
  • You can also follow me on Instagram at
  • Our Facebook Page is From Trauma To Triumph

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