How Fatima Barnes Overcame Objections with Ambition and Propelled into Success

Written By: GoalSetters International

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I have definitely had some challenges along the way. That’s honestly the best part of the journey. The biggest challenge is accepting that you will fail. Every strategy and every attempt to propel forward won’t always be a winner. However, in failure, that’s where I’ve learned the most.

Fatima Barnes

Founder: Ambition academy coaching and consulting

Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business? 

I own a coaching and consulting business. I have been in business for almost 2 years now and almost a year full-time now. I help stagnant beauty brands grow, get paid premium, relaunch, and dominate sales online without burn out especially social media burnout. 

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Business Coaching Industry?

 It’s quite complicated when discussing how I got started. It has technically been over 12 years in the making, however, I never went for it. I have always loved business and have been business savvy since a child. I also  love teaching others and naturally, I’ve always been the person people turn to when they need help or advice in both, my personal life and career. Understanding this, I would always dream of owning my own marketing consulting company, I just didn’t quite know how or when.

I attempted many times but never felt like I had enough experience just yet to do it and imposter syndrome got in the way big time on my journey. I truly believe that the reason it has always been in my heart is because I truly believe it is a divine assignment full of purpose given to me by God. For years, I would ignore the pull to pursue it officially and  I would stop and say “I’ll just focus on my corporate career.” I had previously owned a beauty brand before and decided to let it go and again focus on my career because honestly it wasn’t my passion.

I was in love with just the business and entrepreneurial side of the business. During the pandemic, I noticed so many new businesses opening and making many of the common mistakes and I felt pulled to speak about it on Facebook live. From there it was the start of this business. I was working from home already and couldn’t travel and I had no time but to focus on it. Not to mention, my management and the company I was working for made it clear they didn’t value nor appreciate my hard work. A manger even told me that despite how amazing I was, it basically would never be enough and I was denied yet another promotion due to corporate politics. I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it until I pursued it.

I could no longer ignore the push that God was giving me. He made me extremely uncomfortable until I went for it and now as you can see it has definitely paid off. 

What were some of the hardest moments of the decision of quitting your job? After quitting looking back, do you have any regrets? Or think what if?

I can say 1000% without a reasonable doubt, I have absolutely no regrets about quitting my job to pursue my passion full time. I often wonder why I didn’t do it sooner. It was the most free I’d ever felt. Was it scary, absolutely. However, when I really thought about it, I realized it was scarier staying with a company who didn’t value nor appreciate my skill set and what I bring to the table for another year, dedicating my all to that company just to end up still in the same place as I was years prior. The hardest moment of quitting was the moment I realized, there’s no going back. I realized at that moment, there would be no more consistent paychecks. I had to make this work regardless there was no plan b. Plan A had to work. I definitely had moments of fear in the beginning but as time went on it felt extremely natural and it became my new norm. In fact, it fits so much better. 

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

I have definitely had some challenges along the way. That’s honestly the best part of the journey. The biggest challenge is accepting that you will fail. Every strategy and every attempt to propel forward won’t always be a winner. However, in failure, that’s where I’ve learned the most. Staying grounded, disciplined, and relentless during those times have been the most difficult.

It’s much harder to do that and stay focused when results aren’t immediate. When it’s your own company you’re oftentimes too close to what you’re doing. You have to learn to step back and evaluate. When you’re working for someone else, you may have some level of evaluation, but at the end of the day it’s not your company. You aren’t as vested in the outcome and results. Now I embrace failure and learn from each experience. 

Let's talk about the services you offer with The Ambition Academy Coaching and Consulting, who do you help, and how do you help?

My signature offering is my group coaching program Beauty Boss Accelerator 2.0. This program is designed to help stagnant beauty brands who are in need of a total rebuild, relaunch, and rebrand. They work alongside myself and my branding specialist and designer to leave our program with a business that is set up for longevity and long-term success.  I believe in getting to the root of their problems and rebuilding their structures and replacing them with strategies that will actually work to grow their brands. I do not believe in cookie-cutter one size fits all approaches. Additionally, I offer one-on-one coaching, VIP Days, and done-for-you services as well.

How important is it for entrepreneurs to niche their business? How has it affected the transformation process for your business?

Finding a niche is critical to the success of your business. This is how you set yourself apart. Finding a niche in my business transformed my entire business and allowed me to focus on one group of people therefore allowing me to attract more of my ideal clients.

During our talk you mention that your motto is, “We don’t expect results from work we don’t do!” That’s a powerful statement to develop your business around. Can you expound on why this statement is so important to you when coaching others to reach their goals?

This statement is more of an accountability statement. It’s reminding my clients that while I can give you everything you need to be successful, it is nothing without your execution. You have to take personal responsibility and accountability for what you put into your business and the effort you put into it. You can’t cheat the process, the process knows how much you’ve put into it. You cannot expect to see results if you don’t put in the work. 

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

My best advice regarding accomplishing goals they set would be to start small. It’s the small steps everyday toward your goal that matters. I’ve found that most people look at the end goal and freak out and it almost paralyzes them because they are trying to jump way too far ahead and take too many steps too fast. If you set a date and create small steps everyday, focus, and be disciplined, you’d be surprised at what you can accomplish.

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

They can connect with me on Instagram @iamfatimabarnes_, shoot us a text or give us a call at 678-218-1433, or can visit my website and we’d be glad to connect with them 

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