A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish.
Written By: GoalSetters International
Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?
I started a bookkeeping business in July of 2015 after getting certified as a ProAdvisor with Quickbooks online.
Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Accounting/Advising Industry?
I went to college for business and chose Economics as my major. After I graduated, I moved to Key West, FL for a few years where I was a bartender and server. I then relocated to Ft Lauderdale and got my first “rea job” through a temp agency and it was as a “job cost accounting assistant” for a builder. It turned into a permanent job, which was still temporary because they were done building 1.5 years after I started. From there I took a job with one of their subs, an electrician, where I worked as an executive assistant, and did some basic accounting. After that, I went to an air c9, monditioning contractor where I started as accounts receivables and grew with the company into bookkeeping, office management and human resources. In 2009, my husband was promoted in the navy and transferred to Salt Lake City, UT. So I left my job and was searching for something there when I found out I was pregnant. We agreed I would take time off from working but I took H&R Block’s tax course so that I could do taxes after the baby was born. In 2014, my husband and I split and I moved back to the Atlanta area where my family was. As a single mom, I knew I wouldn’t want to have to put my son in daycare all day every day, so I started my business.
If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us how mindset coaching has helped you in starting or running this business and how you were able to overcome those challenges?
One of the challenges I faced in the beginning was how to get clients! I had my business license for 9 months before getting my first, which was a friend of mine. From there, it became referral from word of mouth, and several clean up jobs through the QBO ProAdvisor site, which then became monthly clients.
Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?
I started out only offering monthly bookkeeping services, but I quickly realized there were so many small business owners in need of clean ups. After doing several of them, I realized that I really enjoyed this type of work and now consider myself a specialist in it! I also started offering advisory services without realizing it, and have taken some courses to help further my knowledge. I really enjoy working with smaller businesses (maybe under 5 mill/year), typically solopreneuers, and service industries only as I do not consider myself well versed in inventory. I love coming alongside newer businesses and helping them grow, offering support, and reassuring them that they are not alone!
What's your best advice for single mothers that desire to run a successful business from home while having the freedom to spend more time with their children?
My advice is that it is not easy, but it is SO worth it. Sometimes I feel like I work “all the time”, weekends, nights, even on vacation (when that happens lol), but I know that no matter what, if my son needs me on a Tuesday at 1pm, I can be there because I have the freedom to make my own schedule.
In our talk you mentioned that you love bookkeeping “CLEAN-UP” jobs.
There are financial professionals actually scared of those. Can you explain why you love “clean-up jobs” so much, and how you became an expert problem solving organizer?
The first few cleanup jobs I did, I underquoted. I learned fairly quickly that cleanups are always way more than you expect them to be! I love the challenge of taking something super messy and making it sparkling clean. This carries over to my love of housework! Being able to get into someones books and “diagnose” the issues, then go back and fix them, is extremely satisfying to me. I love the response and appreciation from the clients of seeing what a difference it makes in their business! It’s a win-win in my eyes.
With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?
Setting goals is paramount to seeing results. From the very beginning, I set goals for myself, either number of clients, amount of revenue, etc. I wasn’t always accurate in timing but I always met those goals within a reasonable time frame.
Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?
My best advice is to write it down, have a time frame, but don’t beat yourself up or give up if you don’t make it “in time”. Progress = success, so if you’re moving forward, you are closer than you were yesterday.
In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?
You can reach me directly at
suzannem@4yourbooks.com, go to my website and book an appointment on my calendar, or send me a message on FB. :)
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