Meet Monte Totten, a real estate broker helping others create their own Tailormade lifestyle

Written By: GoalSetters International

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Another struggle was remaining optimistic when business was slow despite all effort. To combat that mindset, a support system of fellow business owners who understood that struggle was and is most helpful. 

Monte Totten


Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?

I run a Real Estate brokerage firm servicing the greater Triangle area of Raleigh, NC. I have been in this business for 3 years.

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Real Estate Industry?

Historically I have worked in corporate america concentrating on Tax Accounting as well as Human Resources. In fact, prior to pursuing real estate I worked as a Human Resources Manager for 6 years. While I enjoyed elements of my job, the company structure began to change and became much more demanding of my time as my role expanded in Operations as well. Before I realized it, I had given in to the requirements of the revised job description which came at great personal cost. What was most important to me had suddenly been put on the back burner. As you can imagine, though I was doing the job, I certainly was not happy. As time progressed upper management realized their business strategy was not working. They decided it was necessary to scale back and reassess. That scaling back involved a company layoff and I was included in that layoff. It was coincidentally at this time that my sister in law approached me again to consider real estate. I figured it was at least worth considering, so I did and have not looked back since.

Describe the feeling of losing your corporate job unexpectedly. What emotions did you go through?

I had worked so hard, and sacrificed so much to prove my worth and contribute to the company vision. It was normal for me to work 60 sometimes 70 hrs a week while being on call 24/7, carrying 2 phones, and constantly putting out fires morning, noon, and night. My work ethic drove me to do whatever was needed when needed so that upper management could trust and have confidence in my abilities. While that can be a strength it equally can be a weakness when not balanced and it was when my layoff happened that I realized I had given entirely too much of myself for the job. Initially I was devastated and honestly, felt used. In addition, as the head of my household, that experience was completely unnerving. What would I do? The anxiety was constant. My wife was incredibly supportive of whatever I decided to pursue; however, I did not want my decision to have a negative impact on her and the life we had built. Having made it through that I can now say I am so truly grateful. It was a painful experience but it was a necessary step to get me where I am now. My anger at that time had me in the frame of mind that I would NEVER give so much of myself to another endeavor unless it was for myself. The success I have had in real estate has over time turned that anger into appreciation. 

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

There have been a few. Keeping a positive mindset during the disappointments is certainly a challenge at times. In my line of work the investment of time, money, and resources are all upfront with the hopes that you will see a return on that investment. In most cases I did, but when I didn’t, it felt personal, as if I had failed…which was faulty reasoning but real. Another struggle was remaining optimistic when business was slow despite all effort. To combat that mindset, a support system of fellow business owners who understood that struggle was and is most helpful. Lastly but certainly not least is one of my current struggles….consistency in marketing. Over the years I have tried various suggestions for this or that however I have yet to find a program or approach that I can maintain and enjoy. 

What does your experience in a previous career bring to your real estate business? How does that benefit clients?

In my last career in talent acquisition I learned how to see beyond the immediate need. People need jobs, that's a fact. However, asking the right questions helped me discern their “why”. Having that knowledge gave me insight into their motivation, their level of commitment, whether their overall being was aligned with the company vision, and whether the company was in a position to help future employees reach their personal goals. Being an effective Realtor calls for intuition and insight. Everyone wants a home but it’s the “why” that makes the process so personal and special. Spending time with my clients, truly getting to know them, and gaining insight into their line of thinking are incredibly helpful and necessary in order to find a house that they can make a home AND be a home they can be happy with. Granted, my clients can give 200% to the process and I can give 200% and we still face challenges or setbacks. That is inevitable at some point. But when those things happen, my clients can be confident that I am just as disappointed and will do everything in my power to make their dream become a reality. 

How would you describe your business? Are you focused on sellers or buyers? A specific niche?

I am in the business of consulting about using your most important financial asset as a resource to create a Tailormade lifestyle. Motives for home ownership can and do vary, however understanding that it can be a tool to financial freedom is incredibly important. Being the case, whether a client is selling or buying, each has the ability to place someone one step closer to living the life THEY want. Each and every person I work with is important to me. It is a life that can forever be changed. I find this even more so when working with 1st time homebuyers and senior buyers and sellers. These clients are in a special yet vulnerable position and heavily rely on the thorough care, guidance, and compassion they should receive during the process. Unfortunately, these types of clients are all too often taken advantage of, so it is important that they receive the patience and protection they deserve. Working with clients who were genuinely scared of the process, or who felt home ownership was impossible, or who experienced a sudden lifestyle change that they were not prepared for, yet seeing them elated and emotional at the closing table as they take possession of their very own keys is a feeling I never take for granted. 

Tell us about your first sale.

My 1st sale was something I will never forget. I retained the client through the referral of a good friend. My client was relocating to the Raleigh area with little knowledge of exactly where they wanted to be. Over the course of a few months, several visits to NC, several virtual phone conferences and showings, we were able to secure a home for them that checked off all the boxes. Of course I was quite anxious during the entire process as I myself was learning, while making sure my clients were taken care of. I refused to allow my lack of experience to have any detriment or consequence for my clients so I relied heavily on the guidance and knowledge of my peers. It was stressful because there is a big difference between knowledge and experience. I had the knowledge, however I lacked the experience of seeing the textbook information in motion. You learn what this and that is, or when this or that is needed, however it’s the how that only experience can teach. I remain incredibly grateful for the opportunity and appreciate my clients friendship to this day. 

What do you enjoy most about your day-to-day job? How are you involved in the local real estate community?

What I enjoy most is the variety of social interactions. I am always meeting someone new, whether that is a potential client, business partner, builder or just a neighbor. There is strength in getting to know all types of people with all kinds of backgrounds. Me getting to know them makes me better as a person and business, and no one can succeed alone. I need them, and I know that. Therefore I try to support local businesses as much as I can. From local coffee shops for meet and greets, to various elements needed in or for my business from marketing, to signage, to the local tailor that hems/mends my clothes. Sure, I hope that when they have a real estate need they have me in mind because we’ve already gotten to know and like each other. But regardless, on principle, I would rather know I am helping a neighbor survive or feed their family, even if a little more expensive, than to take that support elsewhere. That's what community is….support! 

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

I would love to say YES, however the reality is that I recently got to a place where I pay attention to the true operation of my business, not just the current business at hand. Until recently, I have been mostly in “hustle” mode, getting business wherever I can, because with a family what I can’t have is no work. Much thanks again to my incredible support because I have seen adjustments I would like to implement in my business. There are some awesome things I am excited to pursue! I can’t pursue them overnight so it will absolutely require me being better at setting goals and slowly yet surely completing them. 

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

I can be reached at 919-285-1062, via email at, and on facebook at

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