How Kimberly Bland Remained Authentic and Built Her Life Coach Business From Scratch

Written By: GoalSetters International

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Now I’m not knocking that some of those strategies might work, but like the great singer Jill Scott said, “Everything ain’t for everybody.” I’ve been determined to remain authentically me in my business, so I don’t like the idea of compromising who I am for the sake of trying to build because I don’t think it’s wise or sustainable. 

Kimberly Bland


Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business? 

I’m a Life Coach and I’ve been operating my coaching business since early 2020.

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Business Coaching Industry?

After a couple of sad and upsetting things happened in my life a few years ago, I was at a pivotal point in my 15 plus years in business development in corporate America. I needed to decide if I was going to continue to work in increasingly toxic environments doing something that I did not like at all…and that’s putting it lightly. I had a come-to-Jesus with myself and decided that my mental and physical health were much more important than anything else that I would ever gain by closing another sale for another commission. I started doing the work to figure out what I really wanted to do.

Interestingly, my entrepreneurial journey began down a different path as a Professional Organizer. After a few months I realized that it actually wasn’t the clutter that I wanted to help people with the most, but rather why there was so much of it in the first place. Then the question went beyond why there’s chaos in a room to why there’s also chaos in finances, relationships, and work. It wasn’t long after I put those pieces together that I found Life Coaching and it made all the sense in the world based on how often people in my life would call on me to help them talk through the hard things in their lives.

What were some of the hardest moments of the decision of quitting your job? What has the journey been like since you quit?

Honestly, the hardest moments came on each payday. Like I said, I didn’t enjoy what I was doing, the expectations were unreasonable and unstable, and the culture of that part of the company was extremely toxic. So, I knew I had to go. I wasn’t walking away from a fulfilling role on a supportive team where I wanted to retire. I was walking away from solid health benefits and a hefty income. I will say that I’m grateful that the whole experience forced me to figure out what I wanted and needed beyond money.

Since I quit my full-time job about three months before the U.S. went on lockdown for the pandemic, it’s been an interesting journey to say the least. There’s been a lot of pivoting, frustration, ups and downs, but it’s been worth it. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. It’s definitely been a journey filled with persevering and testing my faith, but in this testing I have grown to have such a child-like reliance on my Creator. I’m not sure if I would know God the way I do now had I not stepped out on and continue to walk in faith.

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

It’s definitely been a challenge to block out the constant noise on how to be successful in building an online business. It’s easy to be swept up in the allure of rapid growth and exposure by doing what’s popular, even if it’s not aligned with who you are, because many of the “experts” will tell you that you need to do those popular things in order to grow your audience quickly and hit those 5-figure months. At times I was looking at these people thinking they must be right, look at how many subscribers they have. Meanwhile, I heard very few folks acknowledging that a lot of what we see as the mark of someone’s success in their online business comes from years of work, not from posting reels every day after being in business for only three months. Now I’m not knocking that some of those strategies might work, but like the great singer Jill Scott said, “Everything ain’t for everybody.” I’ve been determined to remain authentically me in my business, so I don’t like the idea of compromising who I am for the sake of trying to build because I don’t think it’s wise or sustainable. 

I had to decide to zero-in on the one or two people, systems, or strategies that line up with my brand and values the most, and shut out the rest so that I could move to implementation and give it time to see what does and doesn’t work. This is yet another place where my faith is so important. I trust that, if I’m being diligent and obedient to Spirit, I’m not going to miss out on something that is meant to catapult my business while allowing me to honor my authenticity in my calling.

What do you love about your lifestyle now as an entrepreneur?

I love being able to work from wherever I want because my environment can enhance my creativity and productivity. I love the creative freedom that I have and the process of building this business from the ground up. I absolutely love getting to decide who I want to work with. Of course it’s wonderful being my own boss at a stage in my life where I have more wisdom, so I can appreciate this gift now more than ever as a Black woman.

Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I offer one-on-one and group coaching, and it’s all done virtually which is a huge advantage for my clients and me. Many of the people I help are women like me with similar stories of long careers in the corporate world and being externally successful, but terribly unhappy or unfulfilled. Others are just starting over or starting out. Most often we’re dealing with transforming their careers, finances, and relationships. We work through defining what they want to have in their lives based on how they want to feel, what's been standing in the way, and then what needs to be done to begin having those things. 

I’m helping my clients make all this happen by being on their team as a Life Strategist, their thinking partner who’s equipped to provide support, guidance, and accountability in the work of changing their limiting beliefs and behaviors. 

Ultimately, my heart is for those who want to improve their lives because they know they have just as much to give to this world as they have to receive from it.

What drives your passion to inspire women in business and give them hope?

I’m driven by my own experience of going from being miserable and unhealthy in key areas of my life like work and money, to being truly happier and healthier in those areas. I’m so much better to myself and others now, so I want all women to have this as well. I want them to have the kind of lives that fill them up and bring out the best in them because I believe this is what will inspire them to help others that need it most.

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

Absolutely! I’ve had to set goals to get myself out of debt, to be able to quit a full-time job to start my own business, to take better care of my mind and body through healthier eating and spiritual practice. None of those endeavors are easy or light, so I can’t imagine trying to do any of it without setting goals and plans.

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

They should definitely email me: 

They can also find me on social media: 

Or visit my website:

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