How Antonette Beneitez Squashed Her Inner Critic & Launched Her Mindset Business

Written By: GoalSetters International

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In the beginning, my biggest challenge was my inner critic! I had a lot of anger, resentment and guilt issues that stopped me from moving onwards. My monkey mind and the “what ifs” made me question every move, idea or decision that I would make. I had to go through INNERWORK  and a LOT of healing through MINDSET  SHIFTS until I was able to  get out of my own “ bubble or prison “and now , my soul is free.

Antonette Benitez

Founder:  Life Coaching Business

Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business? 

I am in Life Coaching Business mainly focusing on MINDSET  & INTUITION . 

I had been doing  this business for 4 years now although I do not show up consistently to promote it in my social media platforms.

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Life/Mindset Coaching Industry?

I guess its true what they say that every healer has to go through their own storms to be a healer in order to heal and help others.

I had my challenge 15 years ago , after being married and had kids , while at the same time , attending to my own career .The many hat of being a wife, mom and career person took its toll in regards to pleasing everyone. Always being the best and being there for everybody except my own needs and self care. Over time, I had forgotten what it feels like to  be just  me and say NO … I had to make decisions and left my job to go on a path that I referred then as my personal Soul Search Journey .

How would you describe your approach to coaching?

My approach is more of a personal and individualized one , knowing that each person is unique and different with different realities in life. I also like to teach self reflective  simple and everyday tools and  reminders  as an asset to healing. I live an intentional life so I like to use sustainable strategies that can be both time and money friendly to each individual . 

As my saying goes “ You don't need fancy tools or expensive strategies to make healing work for you “.

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

In the beginning , my biggest challenge was my inner critic ! I had a lot of anger, resentment and guilt issues that stopped me from moving onwards. My monkey mind and the “what ifs” made me question every move, idea or decision that I would make. I had to go through INNERWORK  and a LOT of healing through MINDSET  SHIFTS until I was able to  get out of my own “ bubble or prison “and now , my soul is free.

Second challenge happened after a few years of sharing my business. I am not a tech savvy type of person and for the most part, old school on how I do things online. Part of what I learned was the behind the scenes of marketing and algorithms  + the financial output that you need to have .This put me in a place of regress and thought I would never be able to do my business online.

After a lot of trial and error from doing things differently or adjusting what I learned from others, I found out that just like healing in life, online business can be made authentically according to my own needs and reality. It's not more of how many  followers I get and the  popularity that comes with it   but how I connect and develop strong and deep relationships with others. In fact, I realized that I do well with small group coaching and this is where I AM happiest and fulfilled  at this point .

Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help them?

I cater mostly to women ,especially stay at home moms, middle age group and those labeled as misfits, black sheep or  different among many others . Basically “ those who think and feel they do not fit in a mold “ .

I help them navigate their own inner conflict using self assessment on their challenges , teach them basic strategies of forgiveness and release through daily practices , and making a habit of mindset shifts in their everyday life and association. I also mentor them on how to get their intuitive guidance  on so they can learn to trust themselves again.

As a Life Coach and a mindset coach, what specific areas do you focus on? Are there any areas you don’t focus on?

I usually start and focus with the mind. Whatever negative input is in there is slowly going through a process of healing . This is where Mindset Shift happens . Then I also work on their Intuition  , it’s role and importance especially when it comes to Self Mastery .

What skills or experience have you gained outside of coaching do you integrate with your coaching?

I am attending an ongoing online class myself  as part of my expansion and depth of Mindset work for an over all health and wellness journey. I am also a student of life for life so my quest to learn and get educated with life skills is never ending . I attend groups and communities that are also aligned with my focus so I get to meet, interact and also learn from other people’s experience. I truly believe that we are all here to teach and learn from one another.

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

Most definitely . However , I also apply systems on top of my goals. The systems are my mini daily structure of practice and creation so I don’t get overwhelmed with the end goal in mind. I like to create yearly , quarterly and monthly goals while paying attention to my daily work and habit.

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

Create a realistic goal that is in alignment with your current reality. Do the best of what you can for the moment while you prepare for what you may need along the way. There is no end game because every goal achieved is getting you into a new version of yourself with new goals to accomplish. As Marie Forleo would say…. “ Everything is figureoutable “. =)

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

I’d love to connect with you. Follow me on my IG and FB accounts :



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