Enduring With Erin - Starting A Business During Covid

Written By: GoalSetters International

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I started my business at the start of 2020, before everything started shutting down due to COVID. I am most definitely an introvert without much knowledge in marketing, so growth was slow at the beginning.

Erinn HArris

Founder  The Financial Remedy

Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?


I run a bookkeeping business to help online service providers and eCommerce businesses grow their profits by maintaining clean and accurate financials.  

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the Bookkeeping Industry?

I have a passion for numbers and budgeting. I was a math teacher for 10 years and taught finance to my students and to peers during that time. I also saw my parents struggle with the bookkeeping in their business for years.

I started bookkeeping to help business owners have peace of mind with their finances and learn how to allow their money to work for them instead of against. I saw that by combining my passions, I could help others thrive in business and life.

What do you like most about being an entrepreneur and business owner?

I love the freedom it offers in what I choose to do with my time. I get to work from home and be more present for my family while doing what I love. As a business owner, the sky is the limit.

You've definitely had some challenges and roadblocks along the way. Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

I started my business at the start of 2020, before everything started shutting down due to COVID. I am most definitely an introvert without much knowledge in marketing, so growth was slow at the beginning.

From the start, I knew this business would succeed and I didn’t give myself another option. I continued networking and serving my clients well. Building a business is a marathon, not a sprint and by being consistent and bringing value, I overcame the challenges I faced and get to continue to help more business owners each month.

I love that my clients see how their business benefits from having clean books every month and they want to share that with others.

Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I help online service-based and ecommerce businesses grow their business through informed decision making by maintaining clean books. I take care of categorizing transactions on a weekly or monthly basis, setting up systems for high-volume PayPal/Stripe/Square accounts, monthly reconciling and reviewing reports for accuracy.

My clients have the option to meet with me on a regular basis to go over their reports and find room for improvement.

What's your best advice for those that desire to improve their finances?

It starts with clean books. Looking at the past informs your choices in the present which leads to the future you desire. Set up a routine to keep track of your finances, budget and plan for the future to have control over your success. When you are ready to save yourself time and stress, find a bookkeeper that will also show you how to use your financial records to set future goals.

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

Yes, while it’s important to recognize the daily successes, reaching goals and setting new ones are the key to success.

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

Set the goal and look at it like the finish line in a race. You still get to run it. Write down the steps necessary and the actions you need to take each day/week and make that your focus. Before you know it, your goal will be realized.

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

They can email me: eharris@thefinancialremedy.com or call/text: 435-535-0249

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