Creating Purpose With Coach LT

Written By: GoalSetters International

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It started for me while living on the streets. I could not understand how someone who never asked for her demise, be put through such turmoil. Later down the line, I understood why. Someone has to tell the story; someone has to be the evidence / testimony as believers say. I saw how cruel people can be to those less fortunate and made a decision to be some form of hope.

Coach LT

Founder  The Orchard Show

Can you tell us what type of business you run and how long you've been operating this business?

“I run and operate a coaching service, while providing overall health options. I am the owner and creator of La’Tonic which is an all-natural water, formulated to improve your overall health internally. I am also Author of Return to Queenology, a great self-help tool used to identify the root(s) of so many unfulfilled dreams and visions. It’s time to live a more beautiful life!

Can you share with us some details about how you got started in the  Life Coaching Industry?

It started for me while living on the streets. I could not understand how someone who never asked for her demise, be put through such turmoil. Later down the line, I understood why. Someone has to tell the story; someone has to be the evidence / testimony as believers say. I saw how cruel people can be to those less fortunate and made a decision to be some form of hope.

If you've had some challenges and roadblocks along the way, Can you share with us what some of those challenges have been in regards to starting or running this business and how you overcame them?

In preparation for my conference, we were looking for a venue to hold it. We went to a local popular venue to see what they would offer for 3 hours of time and space. One of the owners offered to give us the venue for free. She was so confident, she told us to check that off our list. I was elated, until one day I had this urge to call the owners and confirm the date. This time I had the other owner and he said, “I’m sorry but I am going to have to charge you.” I was devastated, not because I had to pay, but because I am a firm believer that your word is your bond. I politely declined the offer and ended the call. I later found out because he was friends with an individual who did not like me, he chose to try and sabotage my event. I was about to allow frustration to overwhelm me, when I heard “the naysayers will not triumph over you” I lifted my head and immediately started finding another venue. The next day I received a call from the owner of the venue. I had Return to Queenology LIVE 2021! Offering me it for free. When you are about God’s business, he will be about yours

Let's talk about the services you offer, who do you help, and how do you help?

I consider myself a Spiritual Midwife, here to assist in the birthing of purpose. I cater to believers who desire elevation. Those who would like to see change in their personal, spiritual, and professional lives. I am a Life Coach here to empower you. 

What's your best advice for those that desire to turn their life around even if they feel they have hit rock bottom?

Never forget what “God Said” and never question it. Keep pressing, keep fighting, do not be deceived, you are closer to your purpose than you think.

In our talk you mentioned that your family is your team.

Can you expound on how your team contributes to your drive and determination to help others?

My husband Is the best encourager to me, and he prays with me daily. He understands what I face and knows that a firm prayer life is essential. My children remind me to relax more, especially when I have had a challenging day. There is nothing worse than a constipated believer! I am determined to give my children what wasn’t left to me and that is a legacy. Not cars or houses but something they can hand down to their children. Why not build it with them

With all that you've accomplished so far, did setting goals contribute to your success so far?

100 percent! You must write it down and make it plain and I believe in holding yourself accountable. I believe if you can see it, it makes it more realistic.

Here at GoalSetters, we like to say " A Goal Without A Plan is Just A Wish", what's your advice on the best way that people can go about accomplishing the goals that they set?

You don’t have what it takes to sit back and be average, but what it takes to be commanding! Write down what you would like to accomplish within the next 5 years (realistically) and begin with the first one. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep a steady momentum in prayer, move only by revelation and watch your vision manifest. Stay focused and place your trust only in the Lord.

In closing, for those that may require your services or may need mentorship, how can they connect with you?

You can email me at / Follow me on Instagram “The Orchard Show” and Facebook “LaToya Reece”

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